Put this guide to use and it will change your life!
That's a bold statement to make, I know - but it's absolutely true. That's why I'm so darn excited about giving it to you sister - so you can see for yourself just how powerful eating a diet rich in delicious whole plant foods is when it comes to your health and wellness!
This comprehensive downloadable and mobile-friendly guide is going to get you going immediately with turbo-boosting your energy level so you can become unstoppable! Sound good? It includes several quick-reference sheets, a clickable resource list, and a lot more! This guide is going to provide you with a rock solid foundation for building your own unique diet (chow-down style) that is rich in delicious and health promoting whole plant foods - it's the why-to AND the how-to when it comes to eating more plant-centric. So download it below, and let's get crackin'!
This is a downloadable file, so you can view it on any of your devices as well as print it out if you'd like.

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Here's just a taste of what's inside...
The Basics & Getting Started: Learn why eating a diet rich in 'whole' plant-based foods is so incredibly powerful when it comes to your health and wellness. Then we'll talk about how to do it.
Easy Meal + Snack Suggestions: To get you off to a quick and easy start, I give you 4 ideas for each... breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner. Super healthy. Super delicious!
Food Upgrades Chart: This helpful chart will show you how to easily replace many of the health-damaging foods that you're currently eating with more health-promoting plant-based options.
High-Energy Rock Stars: A list of some very high-energy producing foods - include a generous serving of these in your meals each day and you're gonna feel it!
Tips for Eating Out: Eating healthy definitely gets more challenging when dining at restaurants, so I make sure to give you some tips to make it a bit easier.
Daily Serving Info-Graphic: At a glance, you'll know exactly how many servings of each different plant-based food group to shoot for each day!
FAQ'S: In-depth answers to 13 frequently asked questions about eating a plant-centric diet - including details about how 'unrefined' Carbohydrates, Protein & Fats affect our bodies.
Clickable Resource List: This comprehensive resource list is the bee's knees! It includes over 50 of the best resources for plant-based recipes, doctors, books, cooking classes, films, and success stories!
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