Would you like to rate and review the THRIVE SISTER THRIVE! podcast?
I’d SUPER appreciate it, as it helps potential new listeners decide if they’d like to listen and/or subscribe to the show. And… I do read ALL the reviews, so your time won’t be wasted friend.
Here’s how you do it!
How to leave a rating & review in Apple Podcasts – *** from an iOS device ***
- Open the Podcasts app on your iPhone or iPad
- Choose Search from the bottom row of icons and enter the name of the show (Thrive Sister Thrive! Holistic Wellness for Women Over 40) into the search field.
- Click on the show art under Shows (not under Episodes)
- Scroll down past the first 6 or so episodes until you see Ratings & Reviews
- Click on Write a Review which shows up just below the reviews from other listeners. You do have the option to both rate on a 5-star scale, and to write a review if you choose (you can rate without writing if need be).
How to leave a rating or review in iTunes – *** from any other computer ***
- Visit the Apple Podcasts page in your web browser.
- Click Listen on Apple Podcasts to the right of my podcast art; then accept the pop-up asking if you want to launch iTunes.
- In iTunes, click Ratings & Reviews under the main title.
- Rate the show by selecting a number of stars (5 if you really like it) next to the words Click to Rate under the Customer Ratings headline.
- To write a review, click Write a Review under the Customer Reviews heading.
Let me know what you think. You don’t have to get fancy if you don’t want to – short and sweet is fine by me!
~ Stacee