An upbeat and informative podcast exploring a variety of natural (holistic) health and wellness practices to help women over 40 feel their absolute best – body, mind, and soul!
EP 19: Making Your Home Healthier with Houseplants – with Plant Expert Katlyn Daoust
In this episode, I have a really fun and informative chat with an interior plant expert named Katlyn Daoust from a company called Plants By Her. Why are we talking about houseplants on a wellness podcast? Well…
EP 18: Find Calm, Clarity, and Balance by Getting Outside Every Day – with Sarah Guilliot
This episode is for those lovely listeners of mine that are disconnected from nature, at least most of the time. Does that sound like you? If so, I’m hoping to inspire you to form a new habit around getting outside daily, even if only for mini-doses of 5 to 15 minutes or so, because I […]
EP 17: Self-Healing and Rejuvenation through Energy Medicine – with Madison King
Are you wanting to heal your body in some way? Would you like to regain your vitality, or just simply enjoy life more? Well you’re in for a real treat my friend, because what you’ll learn about in this episode can help you literally transform your health and vitality more dramatically than just about any […]
EP 16: Embrace Imperfect Creativity for a Happier, Healthier Life – with Jana Oliveira
In this episode, we’re going to be exploring the different ways in which embarking on, what I like to call imperfect creative endeavors (all different kinds), is not only good for our soul, but it’s also incredibly good for our mental health and by extension, our physical health – so it can be a really […]
EP 15: 100 Percent Plant Based – What I Eat in a Day
Are you wanting to eat more plant-based foods, but think that it’s too difficult or time consuming, or maybe even boring? If so, give this episode a listen – it may just change your mind. I’ve been eating a 100% plant-based diet for almost 10 years now, and in this episode I’m going to be […]
EP 14: Mind Games that Stop Progress in Your Wellness Journey
Do you have something that you really want to accomplish, I mean something that you care deeply about, yet you just can not seem to make any progress on it? Are you frustrated because you can’t figure out why this is? Well my friend… this episode will likely clear that up for you!